Nucoffee Artisans: a new look at coffee growing

Coffee beans

Coffee accounts for one of the most representative crops in Brazil. Coffee production has grown in recent decades, mainly because of the improvement of cultivation techniques, bringing more quality to the beans, and new business opportunities for the culture.

Nucoffee is an important Syngenta initiative, which integrates this revolution in the countryside through partnerships with more than 4,000 farms and transparent connections between producer and customer. Within the platform, the Nucoffee Artisans program uses the Controlled Fermentation technique, which features sustainable methods in producing premium beans that delight consumers in the world.

See more:

+ Nucoffee: learn about the benefits of Anticipation

+ Controlled Fermentation: grain flavor and technology

+ Coffee consumption is good for your health: truth or myth?

Controlled Fermentation: a new experience in the art of coffee production

Nucoffee Artisans has been achieving surprising results to the extent the discovery of this new experience creates a unique connection between growers and their teams.

The meticulous work of producing specialty coffee through Controlled Fermentation provided a new look at production, which involves care in every step for high-quality beans and authentic flavor.

Discover the story of coffee grower Maria Helena Contreras, who had her life on the farm transformed by Nucoffee Artisans.

Marisa Helena Contreras – Fazenda Capoeira Coffee, Areado/MG

Producer Marisa Helena Contreras is part of a coffee farming family. From an early age, she has been motivated to undertake and create business opportunities, especially within agriculture.

Besides keeping up with all the work at Fazenda Capoeira Coffee, Marisa leads a group of more than 400 women involved in agribusiness. Their lives have been transformed by the coffee, responsible for this movement towards female empowerment in the field.

The Controlled Fermentation broke several paradigms and extracted the best from people, bringing discipline, better control of the farm, and significant gains for the lives of the people who participated in every stage.

“Nucoffee Artisans made us aware of the full potential of our coffee and helped monitor the evolution of this project, with positive impacts on the ecosystem and a fully sustainable production," complements the producer.

Nucoffee raises the quality of Brazilian coffee beans to even higher levels by bringing the producer closer to a foreign market looking for new aromas and flavors.

Find out and experience the coffee of the future with Nucoffee.