Syngenta returns over R$14 million to Nucoffee platform farmers in 2019
Through its Nucoffee platform Syngenta connects the quality of the Brazilian coffee with the world. This year, the result of the success of these connections will be recognized on January 24, when Syngenta will initiate a tour to deliver the 2019 crop recognitions to farmers belonging to the platform. The benefits totalize more than R$14 million (about US$ 3.5 million).
The amount corresponds to discounts, bonuses and cash awards returned to producers who complied with the conditions set out in one of Nucoffee's “5 Moments of Value” throughout 2019:
1- Offer Attractiveness
2- Premium for Quality
3- Premium for Anticipation
4- Premium for Traceability
5- Surplus Sale
Learn about the details of Nucoffee's 5 Moments of Value here
“Our 5 Moments of Value recognize the work of producers at different stages, enabling the same producer to be benefited in one, two or even the five criteria evaluated”, says Roberta Armentano, Nutrade Business Manager.
Only regarding the performance related to the quality and anticipation of coffee grower beans, more than R$ 7.8 million in advantages are involved.
This total demonstrates the importance of using Syngenta products in the crops to obtain tastier and well-scored coffees.
In turn, the bonuses afforded to farmers for the care with traceability reached R$ 6.4 million, since Nucoffee acts as a transparent intermediary channel between roasters and producers, and knows the added value to coffee’s identity and trajectory.
“With these 5 Moments of Value added to Syngenta technologies, we were able to provide process improvements, crop modernization, as well as increased productivity and profitability, valuing important production phases and the achievements of our partner producers”, states Roberta.