Nucoffee: 15 years of history in Brazilian coffee culture

Nucoffee 15 anos

In 2022, Nucoffee completes 15 years of history and contributions to the Brazilian coffee industry. During this period, with the dedication and commitment to coffee producers and consumers, many advances were made.

Ao longo dessa história, além do desenvolvimento de soluções que possibilitaram uma maior aproximação entre os produtores e a cadeia cafeeira, foram oferecidos treinamentos, certificações e técnicas de pós-colheita, com foco na melhoria da qualidade do café produzido e, consequentemente, do seu valor agregado. valor.

É com orgulho que compartilhamos os principais destaques dessa trajetória de 15 anos de avanços para a evolução da cadeia do café no Brasil.

Linha do tempo: 15 anos de história e contribuições para a cadeia do café no Brasil

A Nucoffee atua desde 2007 como uma plataforma que visa fornecer soluções e conexões para a cadeia do café, do produtor ao consumidor, alavancando a cafeicultura brasileira.

Aproximamos o mercado dos produtores parceiros da plataforma, apresentando as fazendas produtoras e compartilhando cada detalhe da história de quem produz café com total dedicação e comprometimento. Desde o início das operações da Nucoffee, um de seus pilares é a qualidade dos cafés produzidos e destinados ao mercado.

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Preocupação com a qualidade

Em 2009, a Nucoffee buscou ir além, consolidando-se como a primeira plataforma de capacitação de fornecedores de café em grão: produtores e funcionários foram treinados com as mais modernas técnicas de colheita e pós-colheita, visando não apenas aumentar o volume de produção de cafés especiais, mas também para aprimorar os processos na busca pela qualidade na produção de cafés especiais.

Nucoffee has in its DNA the connection between origin and market demand, and is committed to quality, seeking to increase the producers' revenue and the experiences of the final consumers who appreciate the beverage. Therefore, we also invest in training, not only in the producing farms, but also in professionals that work in other production processes and that can identify improvements in the production chain.

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In addition to producing coffees of reference in terms of quality in the country, we also count on skilled professionals to work on the classification and improvement of the production stages. Thus, what was already good could get even better.

With this in mind, in 2010 we contributed to the formation of the first class of 25 Q-grades in Brazil, in partnership with the CQI. Q-grades are certified professionals who work in coffee grading and tasting

Brazilian coffee produced in a sustainable way

In 2013, we launched the first sustainability program with collective certification, called Nucoffee Sustentia. This program guides and trains the platform's producers to adopt the best agronomic, environmental, social, and management practices, preparing them for RA (Rainforest Alliance) certification.

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One step further: disruptive innovations in post-harvest coffee

Nucoffee has evolved along with the Brazilian coffee industry,and in 2019, closed an agreement in a public-private initiative with UFLA (Federal University of Lavras): a world center in post-harvest and coffee quality, aiming to develop a new segment and offer disruptive innovations in post-harvest coffee.

The result of this partnership enabled the development of nutraceutical coffee. A differentiated technique that makes it possible to use up to 30% of unripe fruits, with a 40% increase in the antioxidant properties of the beverage.

The benefits of nutraceutical coffee include a beverage with a complex, unparalleled flavor, for consumers, and reduced losses during the harvest, in addition to added value in marketing, for producers.

Added value to coffee: flavor and quality

In partnership with the Federal University of Lavras, Syngenta also developed Artisans, a technology that allows the coffee grower to produce an authorial beverage with unique characteristics, through induced fermentation with coffee's own microorganisms. This technique enhances the value of the beans, adding even more value to their commercialization.

Nucoffee Direct: closer to you

Following the evolution of market trends, the Nucoffee Direct program was born, focused on the essence of offering customized services to the grower. The Brazilian coffee industry has expanded and diversified, due to the Brazilian territorial extension, and, to keep up with this growth, Nucoffee understands the coffee grower's need to adapt.

Therefore, Nucoffee Direct offers services focused on customization, direct connection with roasters, having the advantage of anticipating the purchase of coffees, in addition to monitoring the succession in coffee farming, an integrated solution to be delivered to the producer.

Nucoffee's history is just beginning

Our story is just beginning, we are pioneers and we continue working tirelessly, helping producers to increase the value of their production. We are unique in what we do and passionate about contributing to the evolution of the coffee industry in the country.

Nucoffee is proud of all the path walked so far in these 15 years, and we want more. We are driven by the will to transform the production chain of this beverage loved worldwide.

A Nucoffee, mais uma vez, ajuda a compor a trajetória de sucesso da cafeicultura brasileira aos olhos do mundo, mostrando qualidade, tecnologia e inovação.

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